Ways to Stop Pollution

Understanding the various forms of pollution and how it is created form the first steps in discovering the best way to stop it. Individuals create pollution and individuals can also put an end to many forms of pollution

Preventing Air Pollution

One of the main causes of air pollution is fossil fuel use that releases many harmful gases and is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. This is harmful to people especially children and elderly- and the environment. To aviod air pollution, the emphasize is on reducing dependence on fossil fuels for energy and transportation and changing habits.

Switch to Clean Energy

Switching from fossil fuels to clean energy can reduce emissions and provide clean fuel for heating and cooking. Moreover, clean energy sources are also renewable which do not deplete natural resources or cause environmental harm in the production phase re. These include bio-energy, wind, hydroelectricity, solar, ocean, thermal, and geothermal energy.

Wind energy can be obtained by turbines that convert kinetic energy in moving air into mechanical energy, which is then converted into electricity. No emissions or solid wastes are produced during the production of wind energy, but can often result in noise pollution
  •  Solar energy is produced from the energy from the sun and fuel isn't burned, so there are no emissions or any harmful gases produced in its use and production. It is a technology that is anticipated to reach historically carbon-neutrality,. i.e. the emissions from the production of panels and other equipment will break even with emissions prevented by the energy generation and will remain so forever, This energy is ideal for residents, institutions, and business, and there are many possible applications available, such as photovoltaic single or panels on rooftops for electricity and heat generation, solar vents to cool houses and solar evens for cooking.
  •  Geothermal energy is the naturally occurring thermal energy that is produced by the Earth's molten inner core. It can be used to heat and cool buildings. There is some electricity needed to run the pumps the part of a system. However, Geo energy considers this impact minimal compared to fossil fuel use, and as being beneficial in improving air quality
  • Ocean wave energy harnesses the mechanical power in constant waves explains Renewable energy wave, which is not dependant on time of day or year. Some technologies available are wave dragon, wave star energy and SARA.
  •  Thermal energy is energy in motion. It can be exploited through various systems including, combined heat and power units (CHPs), fuel cell technology and ocean thermal energy.
  •  Hydroelectricity is electricity produced by the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. This is currently the most widely used form of renewable energy. However, research findings reported in 2016 by The satellite time, has found that dams produce 1.2% of total global emissions, and are not as clean as they were earlier considered to be

Ways to Reduce Car Emissions

Since people cannot do without cars and mobility, there are new clean and alternative technologies already available on the market that are replacing diesel and petroleum-fueled cars. These new cars all have the advantage of having zero or reduced emissions. Vehicles using alternative technologies prevent damage to environmental and people points out an issue report.

Electric cars are powered exclusively by electricity instead of gasoline, which is stored in the car's rechargeable batteries. In the past, major automakers would not commit to producing this type of vehicle since the battery charges had very limited driving ranges before needing to be recharged. Electric car now run with new battery technology, and are more cost effective, have an increased energy storage and require shorter recharging times
  •  Hybrid vehicle uses a combination of electricity and gas. These have an electric motor as well as an internal combustion engine, which cuts gas consumption. There are cars, SUV, van, truck, and scooters that run on this technology.
  • Solar powered cars have been on the roads since 2014. They run 500 miles on a single charge and are made for daily use. Falling prices could make this the car of the future 
  • Hydrogen cell cars are based on a new technology that uses chemical energy from hydrogen fuel, However lack of customer awareness, dealers and fuelling stations means it is restricted to California as yet.
  • Compressed air car already has prototypes tested where vehicles run entirely on compressed air or as hybrids with bioethanol or diesel. The first cars could roll out

Global Warming

Climate change caused due to emissions of greenhouse gases is producing global warming. This is a complex problem that needs to be dealt with at levels of governments, industries, communities, and individuals
  • Cutting down on fossil fuel uses by using clean energy and alternate technologies as producing and burning these are the biggest causing of emission globally.
  • Shift from chemical fertilizer production and use organic manure as nitrous oxide is produced from nitrogen fertilizer produces nitrous oxide that is "300 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide and 10 times more effective than methane" 
  • Get the community involved to cut greenhouse gas emissions through things like encouraging bicycle use for work transportation.
  • Take steps at home to reduce the family carbons footprints, from buying locally to recycling.
  • Fly and travel less suggests National geography.